Building the Beloved Community
Our Current Community Work
Goodnight, Tyler Programming
Goodnight, Tyler Programming
FLOW- Bending Buffalo Community Wellness and Ujima Company Inc. present "Flow," a mindfulness and movement-based workshop series designed to nurture healing, resilience, and self-discovery for Black men on Saturdays March 1st- March 15th at 2:30pm. Rooted in Bending Buffalo’s mission of “healing through movements” and Ujima’s commitment to transformative theater, this series blends community wellness with creative practice. This program will take place in the Lorna C. Hill Theater located at Ujima Company Inc. 429 Plymouth Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213.
Through an hour of embodied movement, meditation, and play, participants will engage in holistic healing practices that center joy, connection, and restoration. This collaborative space fosters a sense of belonging, offering tools for emotional and physical well-being. Join us on March 1st, March 8th, and March 15th at 2:30pm in the Lorna C. Hill Theater for a journey of grounding and growth.
Dates: March 1st- 2:30pm
March 8th - 2:30pm
March 15th- 2:30pm
"The Joy They Carry," Photography Installation
“The Joy They Carry.” - by Jean Carlos. Ujima is proud to host Jean Carlos as our resident visual artist for this production of "Goodnight, Tyler." Together we wanted to resist the adultification of young Black people by capturing the youthful and innocent playfulness that we see in the play's lead "Tyler." Jean was born and raised in Puerto Rico and has recently assumed the position of Director of Photography at Buffalo Fashion Runway. We are thrilled to be hosting his talent in our space.
Artist Statement: “The Joy They Carry” is a heartfelt celebration of the childhood spirit that never fades, a tender reminder that love, laughter, and curiosity remain with us no matter how much we grow. Through the warmth of a Black family, this photo series paints a vivid portrait of happiness and togetherness, proving that joy is not just a memory—it is a legacy carried forward, woven into every embrace, every shared smile, and every moment of connection.
Kaycee Colburn
Ujima is excited to welcome Kaycee Colburn, our resident artist for Thanksgiving Play, back into our space. In honor of Women's History Month, Kaycee has collaborated with Ujima to create a powerful visual installation celebrating the impact of Native women throughout history. The exhibit features a timeline highlighting underrepresented yet historically significant figures and events, a traditional Seneca ribbon skirt display, and Kaycee's evocative painting, Crying Woman. This installation promises to be both informative and inspiring.
Artist Statement: March is women's history month. This exhibit is to bring awareness to historical erasure of native women and to Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIW.)
For information go to- https://www.nativehope.org/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-mmiw/
Ribbon skirts are a symbol of our female Indigenous strength and resilience. For many of us wearing the skirts bring that strength to mind and is thought to help us get through even the toughest of times. I learned from my mom, who learned from her grandma and it's a favorite pastime of ours, we drink coffee and gab about the day and future plans as we make skirts and do beadwork together. So for me it's a symbol of my mother's love and home and that's where I get my strength.
Echoes of Valor
Tune in for a meaningful dialogue as four courageous veterans share their narratives of confronting racism and prejudice within the military and beyond! This program will be held virtually on all our social media platforms and displayed in our lobby! Available to stream on here, on Facebook, and Instagram May 9th!
This program is in partnership with Ujima Company Inc.’s production of “Wedding Band.” This program will offer profound insights into the show!
Frontline Arts Buffalo
Ujima is a founding member of Frontline Arts Buffalo also known as FAB. Established in 2018, the coalition seeks to support frontline arts and cultural organizations in Buffalo in our transition from conditions of precarity to viability. We are a collaboration among artists, arts administrators, engaged citizens, justice advocates, and policy researchers.
Crossroads Coalition
Ujima is an active and participating organization of the Crossroads Coalition. The coalition is comprised of over ten progressive organizations committed to a just transition and building a new, community-controlled economy in Buffalo. The collective includes activists, creators, grassroots educators, organizers, and researchers who realized that all of today’s major battles for justice are linked, and equally important.
Buffalo Public Schools
This year Ujima is partnered with Buffalo Public Schools’ Office of Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Initiatives to launch the inaugural Lorna C. Hill Speaking Contest. Students from across the district will compete locally at their respective schools in order to qualify for the final round of the contest which will be held at the Lorna C. Hill Theater this spring. We are so excited to see the next generation of great orators and performers follow in the legacy of our late founder.